Danica Kulibert (pronounce)


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I am an Assistant Professor in the Psychological Science department at Kennesaw State University. I am the Principle Investigator in the Social Perceptions and Intergroup Relations lab at KSU. My lab focuses on research aimed at understanding how people perceive different social groups and how these perceptions impact people’s judgements towards social groups.

Before KSU, I got my Ph.D. at Tulane University and worked with Dr. Laurie O’Brien. I also got my M.S. and my B.S. from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh before Tulane. While at UWO, I worked with Dr. Anca Miron in her Social Psychology lab and Dr. Ashley Thompson in her Sexuality and Relationship Science Lab.

I currently live in Atlanta and enjoy exploring all of the hiking trails in the area. I am also am an avid reader and make jewelry on the weekends. I am a proud Wisconsinite and I have been told my Mid-Western accent is quite noticeable (OPE!).


Research Interests

My research tends to focus on understanding perceptions of social norms and intergroup relations. In general, I am interested in how different factors and social identities can impact how we perceive prejudiced behaviors and acts of discrimination. I am also interested in understanding how current political climates are impacting social interactions and intergroup relationships. I am currently working on projects related to:

  1. Perceptions of sexual harassment claims and the impact of these perceptions

  2. Understanding how meta-stereotypes impact intergroup interactions

  3. How people perceive political group members and if these attitudes impact political behaviors

  4. Applying social psychology interventions aimed at attitude change to real-world settings

Open science, research methods, statistics, and science transparency are extremely important to me. My pre-registrations and study materials can be found on my OSF page. I have also been a statistical consultant for multiple local, national, and international companies for the last 7+ years.